On August 20, 2022 daytime, it was raining so heavily in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi Province. Large volume of rainwater flashed through the ground of Ban Don Yang School, where 389 students studied, and washed some parts of a school building foundation away. The erosion at the foundation threatened the school building to collapse.
COERR surveyed the affected area and, in coordination with other organizations, provided necessary construction materials, e.g., cement powder and cement blocks, to make strong and safe foundation wall so the class could be resumed again.
Besides, COERR joined with Emergency Response Team organized DRR training for 115 participants of 71 females and 44 males.

On August 23, 2022 COERR camp-based refugee staff assisted in cleaning mini fire fighting station in Ban Tham Hin temporary shelter of Ratchaburi Province and arranging ready-to-use tools and materials supported by COERR such as plastic bags, sprayers, battery, spade, iron rake, hard broom, shovel, and knives.
